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Learning ‘parts of speech’ helps us to understand how to use words. Parts of speech are basic types of words that English has. ‘Parts of speech’ is a category of words, namely; nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, articles, conjunctions and verbs. Below we’ll be looking at some of these categories in detail.


A verb is defined as an action word. Put differently, a noun is a word which shows state of action. Examples of verbs: 1.Luis Suarez bites his colleagues on the hand or neck. Dracula style! 2.Usain Bolt runs the fastest It is also important to note that verbs have different classifications – action verbs, linking verbs, auxiliary verbs, transitive verbs and phrasal verbs.

Action verbs E.g. He eats

Linking verbs
E.g. Beyonce is a singer

Auxiliary verbs Examples of auxiliary verbs are; do, have, will, has, am

Transitive verbs This is a verb with an object, and examples of transitive verbs are, throw, buy, love E.g. Vimbai saw an elephant

Phrasal verbs These are usually two-word phrases. They are normally constructed in this manner – verb + adverb, for example, look up, put out, and turn off. E.g. Please turn off the lights .


A noun is a name of a person, place, thing or idea. Examples of nouns:

Person – doctor, boy, mother, girl, bus driver, teacher, engineer

Place – home, office, museum, farm ,church,school,lagos,London

Thing – keyboard, phone, headphones, shoes

Idea – worship, happiness, hope, fairness, justice .


Common nouns: These nouns name people, places, things or ideas that aren’t specific, e.g. car, hat, man, cat.

Concrete nouns: A concrete noun is a name of something, or someone that we experience through our senses – hat, cup, book

. Abstract nouns: These are the opposite of concrete nouns; they are not tangible to the five senses – fear, grief.

Countable nouns: These are things that we can count – cellphones. We have one or two cellphones

Collective nouns: These denotes a group of individuals, animals or objects (e.g., army, police)

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