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Maths Literacy - Ratios and Percentages
Sequences and series
estimating surds
rounding off
simplification of fractions
solving quadratic equations
word problems
standard form

1) FULL STOP (.) :-This is placed at the of a sentence that is not a question or exclamation.
Eg. Eze goes to school.
2) COMMA (,) :-
This is used to separate words in a sentence. Eg I came, I saw, I conquered3) COLON ( : )
This is the longest divisional stop with exception of the full stop. Eg my uncle said: leave my dog for me.4) SEMI COLON ( ; ) :-
This is used when a long pause is implied . Eg whatever be the case; she must succeed.5) EXCLAMATION ( ! ) :-
This is used to express joy,surprise and strong emotion. Eg. Wonders shall never seize! Ah! God is good.6) QUESTION MARK ( ? ) :-
This sign is always at the end of a question.
Eg. What is your name? Who are you?
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